The Storm Before The Calm

In about 10 hours I'll be joining another 25K people for the Miami Marathon, and all I can think of is not appropriate enough to be written here. I'm SO nervous!!!! All of the hard work, sacrifices, laughs, tears, blisters, pain, successes, failures, hopes, fears, experiences, memories, and goals since July 2013 are narrowed down to what will happen tomorrow at the finish line.

I have plenty of thank you notes to write personally, but before I get to that, I want to say a big, humongous, THANK YOU to every single person that's been somehow involved in this process. Every. Single. One.
I joined Team in Training to support my friend and give as much as I could to her recovery process, and looking back I've earned much more than I even deserve. Knowing that not just Joëlle, but many families get to benefit from our efforts brings a sense of peace that is hard to describe. 
I am terrified and overwhelmed about crossing the finish line tomorrow. I am scared of a million things during the race. I am sure I won't be able to sleep tonight, but it doesn't matter because it's all worth it.  I don't know what to expect, and I don't think I'm ready for the feelings people have described today, so as a heads up: there's a chance that I'll be a hot mess. The support, the love, and the words of encouragement have made my heart grow a million times its size. 

On the sad side, I'll never forget the first conversation with Joëlle about the diagnosis. It's a bit hard to forget. On the happy side, I'll never forget the joy of having her (and her husband and baby) spending some quality time with us like when we were in high school. (Cards Against Humanity: you rock!) Knowing she's well and healthy is just priceless.  

So, with my deepest and most humble gratitude, I leave you with the latest update on the Team #JoelleStrong front before I make my way to the corral and THE Big Day kicks off. 

Let's GO TEAM #JoelleStrong, let's be #MiamiFamous! 

Much love, 
Mrs. B
PS: please excuse any typos, it's the over-excitement. 

1 comment:

  1. I will never be able to truly thank Becca and each one of her supporters for the emotional help that they provided me during treatment. THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU to all that read the blog, commented, donated money, trained with her, or assisted in any way. Tomorrow marks the end of Becca's journey, and I hope with the money that teams like hers continue to raise for LLS - we will be much closer to finding a cure. !Exito mañana!
