Running: Good for the heart, great for the sole!

Oh, T-Day #5....
There's not much to say about today, except that IT'S FRIDAY, BABY! [does victory dance]

Today's exercise has been done all day in my office. I'm reorganizing everything, and as a result (besides my desk looking like a tornado went through it), I've done some unexpected weightlifting (moving boxes, files, and furniture), cardio (running up and down the infamous stairs), stretching (to prevent from a Narcoleptic-styled unintentional nap... and face-plant), and consumption of lots of water ('cause it is too darn hot in here!).

I was advised that resting is just as important as the exercise I do, so I've decided to take Friday "off", although it wasn't really off. It's been a great day so far. I got to chat with Mrs. #JoelleStrong herself (yes, hashtag and all!), as she selects a team name, and we plan how to grow this little project into a more legit team to raise funds for the LLS.

It's weird/funny to realize how our conversations have progressed in over a decade and a half. Back in 9th grade it was all about school work, Model UN competitions (and rivalries), and boys. Well, for her one boy in specific. (Did I mention she married her high school sweetheart?) After college, we all went through the "What do you mean I'm an adult?!" crisis, and each found our professional paths. Hers lead to California to be awesome (like, seriously, that's her job).
At some point (it's all a blur due to age denial), little miss J became MRS. J - and what a lovely bride she made! Which, some years later, brings us to the present: She's a proud mommy. She has, as I have said before, the CUTEST daughter in California (sorry, kids, the spot's been taken), and as y'all can imagine, this baby is the heart of her two very happy parents.
New phase, new hairdo! 

Now, without striking a sour note, y'all can imagine that many of their friends, myself included, became incredibly hesitant once we found out about her cancer diagnosis. As I mentioned to another dear buddy, I know Joelle is strong and determined enough to win this battle, but the thought of her daughter in the picture just crushed me to tears. (and I'm not a cryer, btw.)

Anyway, catching up with her today, learning that everything is going well, and that she gets to enjoy a  special version of a kindergarten kid's life (nap time, juice boxes, snacks) and that she's loving her new hair style was nothing but comforting. As for tomorrow, T-Day #6, I will engage in one of the most exciting things I treat myself with, besides chocolate: Finding the perfect shoes. (My fiancé has no clear idea of the magnitude of my shoebsession)

As I was explained by the marathon goddesses, the shoes are incredibly important in the training and running experience. If I use the wrong shoes, or if I continue to use my very old sneakers I could run the risk of getting injured. This being a HUGE no no. I have to run the marathon, period.

Tomorrow morning I'll be meeting up with marathon goddess Karla at a specialized store where they'll make me walk/run on a treadmill to mark my steps, and determine what shoes I need.

Since running shoes have become so popular this week, I hope my future pair are just about as awesome as Wendy Davis' hot pink sneakers. (Can we talk about how amazing that was?!) The shoes have been the subject of many discussions online, and the makers even commented on this: "We are proud of the running shoes we develop for our consumers. The Wave Rider is designed to give the comfort and cushioning needed whether it’s a 5K, a marathon or 10+ hour filibuster." <-- Ha!

After my shoe shopping experience, I'll be learning about their (Karla & Sarah's) running team. This is actually very good news because that can serve as a motivator as well. When you run alone, you only have yourself to answer to. When you run in a group or team, you also sort of respond to them as well. That, I assume, will bring the end of the excuses, postponing action, or whining.

I'm a bit anxious about joining their team of experienced ladies, as for now I kind of feel like the tortoise surrounded by hares, but it's ok,  we all know what happens at the end of that story!

Without further ado, I welcome Le Week-End! 
...à bientôt, 

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