A Journey of A Thousand Miles...

Martha Stewart approved*!
T-Day #1 finally arrived, and I must say I was beyond thrilled about this! There's an energy to starting new projects, and I've certainly felt it! When you're on a new mission with such a special purpose, you can't wait to get started, and having my fiancĂ©, my family, and friends cheering me on has kicked things up a notch. 

I left my friend a little note to cheer her up, as her chemotherapy roller coaster ride has begun. I'm scared *$%& for her, as I've seen different results from chemo in other loved ones, but I'm glad she gets to take naps and lots of rest during the day though. Gotta love the perks!  With this new idea, hopefully, she'll be able to develop a new hobby, and maybe make one of these decorative pillows! 

Becca vs. The Track: Facing the Big Blue Monster

As you can imagine, if you're not a natural born runner, the running track can be a little intimidating. Walking into the track felt like I was about to take a stroll in the middle of a jungle. A jungle, mind you, filled with all kinds of fast-paced creatures, all in great shape. As I stretched and warmed up I got to see my new environment, I felt like a new kid in school and I awkwardly wobbled my way in. (yes, wobbled because I got a little carried away with the stretching)

As recommended by my fabulous Marathon goddesses (Karla, Sarah, and Anamar), I tried the Galloway method to get started. First, 1 min. walking, 1 min. running, which I got to increase to 2 min. running, 1min. walking. (I'm not even close to the 4:1 ratio- yet)

Funny enough, there were some golden boys and girls running past me, at a significantly faster pace. In total, I ran an inglorious 30-something minutes before I started feeling (and probably looking) like a Bassett Hound escaping from a fire.

The run felt good afterwards, although my thighs felt a little tense, and my shoes were magically taking me back to my car. 
We'll see how things go tomorrow. 

*Note: Crafty pillow has not really been approved by Martha Stewart... yet. 

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