Wet Noodle Legs Yoga

T-Day #2 was intense, but it started well.

My early bird routine was followed through as usual, and my mood was great. Everything was "Peaches and Cream" until I made it to my office, and I had to face the [now] murderous stairs. For the first time I regretted not having the elevator key on me ('cause I'm too good for that, or something), so as I looked up I dreaded taking the first step.

Now, the last time I felt this hesitant about going up a flight of stairs was sometime ago in San Francisco, when I got lost roaming around, and I ended going up Telegraph Hill to make it to my friends' condo, because Google Maps said it was the shortest distance, but failed to mention a HILL between point A (near Embarcadero) and Point B (location to remain private).
Ah, those pesky little details!  ...Beautiful view, by the way. 

So there I was, trying to take my first step, but my legs were behaving like my dogs when I drag them to the bathtub. I contemplated having an outdoor workday (nature is therapeutic after all), but the weather seemed to be PMS-ing, and it was raining like a hurricane was passing by. 

I finally dragged my butt upstairs, holding on to the railing like my life depended on it, which it kind of did, and I pulled my way up. Thank God that thing is mounted well, because that would've been an epic disaster. Imagine the newspaper headlines: "Shrink survives after rolling down stairs with rail in hand". It'd be EPIC, I tell you! 
After making it to my desk, I decided to seize the little wheels my chair has in the bottom, and I rolled my way around the office most of the day. My lunch break was brutal, but I felt better after stretching my legs a bit. 
Once I made it home, the weather was still not being nice, and I had to stay in. What's a girl to do in that case? YOGA. But not just any yoga; not my usual [power] yoga...
Wet Noodle Legs Yoga. That's right!

This is a new style that combines attempting traditional yoga with the strength of a wet noodle, and the exercise is mostly focused on heavy breathing and trying not to fall flat on your face.

As you can imagine, several poses had to be adapted due to my lack of flexibility, for example, my "Tree" pose looked more like a "drunken scarecrow" pose. I did feel much, much better at the end, and after a really hot shower I got to sleep like a sloth on Valium.

We'll see how T-Day 3 goes! 


  1. Yo conozco esos escalones en San Fran!

  2. After THAT experience, they've been tattooed to my brain. lol
