
Greetings, Purple Peeps! 

No, I am not addressing you as if you were an easter marshmallow snack, but as a participant of this month's celebration! All of us TnT-ers and LLS supporters celebrate big time during September, since this is the Blood Cancers Awareness Month.

Now, how exactly do we celebrate this? Easy: Purple Day! 

Move over, Barney! It's LLS Time!
The traditional celebration out here is on the last Friday of September, and what we do is spread the awareness by wearing purple. Our awesome team got to spread the purpleness in various participating companies and schools, so don't be surprised if you see this shirt around.

On my neck of the woods, I celebrated Purple Day with my students. They were challenged to bring the most awesome and creative purple accessories to school, and the girls did not disappoint!

On my part, I got to wear my purple glitter nail polish, my epic Miami Marathon Tutu, along with my New Orleans/ Mardi Gras plumes, and my lucky jersey. Needless to say I caught the eye of several parents and coworkers!

This girl is stronger than oak!
The highlights of this event started with the announcement of the event last week. I got to have a little #TBT moment by playing "Eye of the Tiger" and use my special "PA Voice" to pump up the girls for the event. I had the support of some seriously amazing students who helped plan this event, and it was a success. Another highlight was being able to acknowledge one of our students who is a blood cancer survivor, and whose mom is a Team in Training alumna.

For the grand finale, at the end of the school day, the girls were not only congratulated for their participation and the purpose and results of their participation for the LLS, but we had two big winners:

1) The Most Spirited Class Award: 9th Grade
2) The Purple Award (for the most spirited student): An 11th grader.

Purple Day 2014 
Cancer-beating... Like. A. BOSS. 
This means that they not only get points for their volunteer work commitment, but they also get cupcakes. (Purple ones, if you're wondering)

Also, joining our Purple Day celebration: The woman who inspired it all! Check out Joelle's Purple Day selfie, rocking her LLS-TNT jersey.

(Needless to point out how GREAT she looks, and how much she'll be celebrating her first cancer-beating birthday pretty soon!!!!)

So Congrats + THANK YOU to all the participants -both in school and around the US/PR, 
and have a Happy Purple Day!!! 
Much love,

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